Welcome to Lourdes

Hi, my name is Lourdes-Marie Green and I have recently joined the Traveller Movement as the newest Partnership Intern.

28 May 2024

By Lourdes Green, Partnerships Intern

Hi, my name is Lourdes-Marie Green and I have recently joined the Traveller Movement as the newest Partnership Intern. I have been involved with the Traveller Movement for a while now, I am a member of the Youth Advisory Group, and have attended events and meetings over the past several months, which has given me a huge insight into the amazing work they do here.  

I have just recently finished University, where I completed an undergraduate degree in Law and Criminology. I decided to study Law and Criminology because I have seen the injustice the GRT community faces, and I want to try to change that. I am the first person in my family to go through all education levels, completing my GCSE’s, A-Levels and a degree. I am hoping to use my education to help me advocate and protect the rights of GRT communities and hopefully pursue a career in Law, in the future. 

My family have a history of civil rights work, my grandfather Patrick O’Leary won a historic case in 2000 that established in the law that Irish Traveller’s are an ethnic minority. My grandfather has been a huge inspiration to me, and his achievements have influenced me to also advocate for Gypsies, Roma and Traveller’s and pursue a career and education in this field. My mother was also involved with The Traveller Movement when she was my age, working as a youth worker, which is how I came to know about the Traveller Movement. Following in my family’s steps, I want to help the GRT community get the recognition and rights that they deserve, which is why I am so excited to start working at The Traveller Movement.  

I am looking forward to working alongside a great team of people and extending my knowledge and skills further while working here.