Our Impact
Our achievements
Our campaigning and advocacy work, alongside our engagement with national government policy has resulted in successfully addressing some of the challenges faced by Romani (Gypsies), Roma and Irish Travellers
Achievements Timeline
2022:Stop Traveller Hate
In February this year, Jimmy Carr made an appalling and racist ‘joke’ about the Romani Genocide, also known as the Porajmos, during World War II in his lastest Netflix special, ‘His Dark Material’.
We petitioned against him and Netflix for airing the special, and managed to get over 19,000 signatures on our petition and the issue trending on Twitter with many organisations, celebrities and political figures standing in solidarity with the Romani people.
2021:Open Doors Education and Training (ODET)
This year, we established ODET, a community interest company dedicated to offering further education and training opportunities to young people from ethnic minority communities
ODET was born our of the Coronavirus pandemic due to closure of all schools nationwide
“The teachers have commented that they have seen both children’s confidence grow, and that they have seen improvement in their abilities. They are both enjoying school more as they are not so far behind”
– Parent of Participant2020:Never Going to Beat You Film
Never Going to Beat You (15) previewed at Cinema Lumiere, Intitu Francais in London. The film was shown to the wider Gypsy and Traveller communities to generate discussion around domestic abuse, and was used to encourage greater understanding amongst service providers including social services, the education authorities and the police
2017:GRT Category Added to P-NOMIS
We influenced ethnic monitoring of GRT people in prisons by having their category added to the Prison’s Service’s ethnic monitoring database (P-NOMIS)
2016:Equality and Social Justice Unit (ESJU)
The ESJU was established to offer free advice, advocacy and support service for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people
The ESJU can help you with support on cases with discrimination in public and private services, complaints against the police and hate crime
If your case goes to court, the ESJU will try to refer you to lawyers that can help you
2015:Operation Traveller Vote
Our campaign, Operation Traveller Vote, was set up to raise awareness of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller constitutional rights and to encourage voter registration. It has led to more than 500 GRT members to vote in the last general election