An Era of Change: ‘Revolutionising Tomorrow’ tickets on Sale from Monday 2nd September 2024

The Traveller Movements annual conference takes place on Thursday 21st November in Lambeth Town Hall Brixton this year.

29 Aug 2024

Immediate release – 29th August 2024

The Traveller Movements annual conference takes place on Thursday 21st November in Lambeth Town Hall Brixton this year.  

The conference theme this year ‘An Era of Change: Revolutionising Tomorrow’ will be a chance to grasp onto a new era of political leadership with a conference that will explore innovative policies that can bring about substantial improvements in the lives of Romani (Gypsy), Roma and Irish Traveller communities. 

With a new Labour Government comes a new opportunity for policymakers and community members to the table to collaborate on revolutionary policies which will break down barriers which have long held communities back. Only with innovative policy solutions can the multiple, interconnecting crises facing Romani (Gypsy), Roma and Irish Traveller communities be tackled. 

The four interactive workshops will take place in the afternoon, with exciting panellists and exciting facilitated discussions. These workshops will focus on key policy areas which are central to the Traveller Movements work; inequalities in education, disproportionality in the criminal justice, the empowerment and freedoms of women & girls and a key discussion on the Traveller Movements upcoming campaign ‘Who do you think you are’.  

Tickets can be purchased here. If your organisation is interested in having a stall at the conference please contact 

Join us for our most exciting and innovative conference to date.  

For more conference please follow us on social media:  Twitter, Instagram, Linkedin, TikTok.   

CEO of the Traveller Movement Yvonne MacNamara said the following: 

“Recent times have posed significant challenges for Romani (Gypsy), Roma, and Irish Traveller communities. We are hopeful that this new political administration will introduce innovative policies that genuinely address the disparities we face. Through this conference we hope to chart the way to a new dawn in Romani (Gypsy), Roma, and Irish Traveller policy.”



Contacts 020 7607 2002 

Notes to Editor 

* The Traveller Movement (TM) is a national community development policy and voice charity who campaign against discrimination, promote inclusion, participation and community engagement for the Irish Traveller and Gypsy communities in Britain. TM is proud to work in partnership with the Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities together with service providers and policy makers across the UK to better promote social inclusion and community cohesion.