We need to talk about Suicide

The suicide of a loved one is an incredibly traumatic experience.

12 Sep 2022

Workshop 2 – We need to talk about Suicide

The suicide of a loved one is an incredibly traumatic experience. This workshop will give Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people a safe space to talk about what support they need from the NHS, the third sector and within the community when they are affected by suicide. Research confirms that Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities face significant health inequalities which exacerbates the risks known to increase an individual’s vulnerability to suicide as well as weaken protective factors. In order to help reduce suicide rates, it is imperative that we consult and work alongside communities and individuals.

This workshop will discuss how we need to shape future interventions and what solutions are necessary to have a real impact on reducing suicide rates within Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities.