Our Projects

We're committed to tackling issues impacting the lives of Romani (Gypsies), Roma & Travellers through research, engagement & policy work

Our projects expose and challenge the effect these issues have on Romani (Gypsies), Roma and Irish Travellers. We work in the areas of women’s rights, education policy, youth and social work, criminal justice policy, and equality and discrimination


Women and Girls

We are passionate about promoting the rights of women and girls and tackling their inequalities. We have two projects in this area, our Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence project and the Women Empowerment Network (WEN).

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Criminal Justice Policy, Campaigns and Research

Our work across the Criminal Justice Sector aims to increase the awareness of Gypsy, Roma and Traveller people’s needs at all stages of the justice system.

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Education Policy, Campaigns and Research

Our work aims to advocate for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller pupils and their families facing discrimination in the education sector

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Barriers to secondary and further education

Equality and Social Justice Unit

Our Equality & Social Justice Unit (ESJU) is a free advocacy and support service for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller individuals, communities and the people who represent them

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Young People

We develop research and opportunities for young people in education and job attainment. We are currently researching the education, training and employment needs of young Gypsies, Roma and Travellers.

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