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A Profile of prisoners in the Adult Prison Estate.

01 Sep 2020

Due to weak ethnic monitoring across the criminal justice system, it is difficult to know the exact number of Gypsies, Roma, and Travellers (GRT) in prison or on probation. According to Her Majesty’s Inspectorate of Prisons’ (HMIP) prisoner survey, in 2019/20 6% of men and 7% of women of the prison population in England and Wales identified as Gypsy/Irish Traveller. Roma is not yet recorded across HMPPS, but the 2021 census will include the category and we hope it will allow us to further understand Roma experiences of the criminal justice system. 

A Profile of prisoners in the Adult Prison Estate.

To read more about a profile of prisoners in the adult prisoners estate, please download our PDF
A Profile of prisoners in the Adult Prison Estate.