Swirl Background

16 Oct 2019

Gypsies, Roma and Travellers share a history of persecution with Jewish people.
Targeted by the Nazis during the Holocaust, faced with open prejudice and official
indifference, and now subjected to a rise in hate speech and online abuse.

In 2017, 30% of reported anti-Muslim hate incidents and 18% of reported Anti-Semitic incidents occurred online. 77% of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers have experienced hate speech or hate crime.

Research shows that racist or derogatory language by politicians against minority groups can lead to a spike in hate crimes, while racist and irresponsible reporting in the media can lead to a backlash against all community members. This is unacceptable.

Cut it Out Manifesto

To read more about our #CutItOut campaign, please download our PDF
Cut it Out Manifesto