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Impact of insecure accommodation and the living environment on Gypsies’ and Travellers’ health

01 Jan 2016

Gypsies and Travellers experience some of the poorest health outcomes of any group in society. Accommodation insecurity, the conditions of their living environment, community participation and discrimination all play key roles in exacerbating these poor health outcomes, while at the same time these factors also hold the key to effectively addressing and improving the health and wellbeing of these communities. Long-term, joined-up working is urgently required at both local and national level to address the wider social determinants of Gypsies and Travellers health. 

Impact of insecure accommodation and the living environment on Gypsies’ and Travellers’ health

To read more about the impact of insecure accommodation, please download our PDF
Impact of insecure accommodation and the living environment on Gypsies’ and Travellers’ health