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Support for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller LGBT+ people and their families

01 Sep 2019

Similar to other communities many Gypsy Roma and Traveller LGBT+ people sadly experience homophobia. Many hide their sexual identity because of fear or rejection by family and their community, others because of family pressure and their religious beliefs. There is no empirical research or statistics to refer to in evidencing the hidden problem of homophobia within the Gypsy Roma Traveller communities against their own LGBT+community. However the fact that there is no data suggests in itself how taboo and hidden the problem is. From case work to date and engagement with the wider Gypsy Roma Traveller NGO sector and various other stakeholder groups the Traveller Movement are acutely aware this is a real but hidden issue within the Gypsy Roma Traveller community. The shame and guilt inflicted on LGTB+ community members has and can force many to live their lives in total denial, in secret and fearing for their health and wellbeing. 

Support for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller LGBT+ people and their families

To read more about Support for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller LGBT+ people and their families , please download our PDF
Support for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller LGBT+ people and their families