Women and Girls
We are passionate about promoting the rights of women and girls and tackling their inequalities

Never Going To Beat You film release
For 16 Days of Activism, we released our film ‘Never Going to Beat You’. Never Going To Beat You is a film about domestic abuse, based on true stories of 18 Romany Gypsy and Irish Traveller women. It is a powerful and hard hitting piece of art meant to raise awareness and to educate.
Threading aspects of the women’s lives together, the film tells the story of 17-year-old Moira La Bas, who is about to sit her ‘A’ Levels when she meets Patrick, an older divorcee at a St Patrick’s Day dance. He woos her and wins her over, but Moira’s mother Evie foresees disaster and tries to rally the community to save her daughter.
Join us for this opportunity to watch a masterful portrayal of how domestic abuse can destroy lives.
Why should you purchase Never Going To Beat You?
Can be used to raise awareness among service providers and professionals
Can be used as a discussion opener with Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, and any other communities where domestic abuse is still seen as a taboo subject
Can be watched as a beautifully shot film that mixes theatre and video to bring alive a seldom heard story of abuse
‘Never Going To Beat You’ launched on the 29th of November 2022 on Vimeo Demand!

Are you a victim of domestic abuse? We are taking new referrals, please call our domestic abuse helpline at 0754 1637 795.
If you are in need of support urgently, we would advise contacting the national domestic abuse helpline who can be contacted on 08082000247
Domestic Abuse and Sexual Violence Project
The Traveller Movement have been funded by City Bridge to upskill domestic abuse workers across London. Previous research has shown that 98% of domestic abuse service providers felt they needed more specialised training on how to support Romany (Gypsy), Traveller and Roma survivors. To remedy this, we will be developing essential resources, training frontline workers and upskilling advocates from the Romany, Traveller and Roma communities. As well as this, we will be looking at the key intersecting issues of mental health and healthy relationships. This three-year project will focus on empowering both domestic abuse advocates and community members.

This project has been at the heart of our work for over a decade. It has since developed and branched out to new areas including: advice and support, training for service providers and developing a Good Practice Guide

Women's Empowerment Network (WEN)
Our Women’s Empowerment Network (WEN) aims to create a peer support group, a platform for voices to be heard, to harness existing skills within the group and give all GRT women a stronger collective voice