Young People
Research, opportunities and pathways into education for young people and job attainment

Reaching Out (2022-2024)
We have secured a further two-year funding from Youth Futures Foundation to specifically reach out to, and encourage partnership work across UK, to firm up the infrastructure that helps support and develop pathways into employment for Gypsy, Roma and Traveller young people

Roads to Success (2021-2022)
‘Roads to Success’ was our peer led research project looking into the education, training and employment needs of young Gypsies, Roma and Travellers in the UK. The project is kindly funded by the Youth Futures Foundation

TM Internship
As part of ongoing commitment to the support and development of Gypsies, Roma and Travellers, TM seeks to increase their professional skills and competences of towards securing paid professional employment and/or improved educational attainment through the provision of fully supported internships, based at the charity’s workplace.